Aug 17, 2017 in this compelling release, david wilkerson brings the reader up to date and into the future. In 1973 many of us thought his book made for interesting, futuristic reading. Are david wilkerson s prophetic warnings coming to pass right now. Dichter tot jezus komen david wilkerson nl ondertiteling. Bajar biblias gratis en pdf iglesia pentecostal unida. Considering this book is already ten years old, it speaks a lot of truth to what is happening right now in our country of the us. One day soon this nation will be reeling under the impact of the biggest news story of modern times.
Dave wilkerson, the pastor of times square church in new york city, has. A book like the vision is a refreshing, eyeopening, and in many ways alarming look at the modern world. When 911 happened many asked him if this was the dream or vision he had. David wilkerson biography this is the story of david wilkerson, the man who believed against the odds that god could do great things in the rejected and ignored of new york city, who refused to give up on those on the streets even when they had given up. David wilkerson 19312011 june 18, 2018 the prophet ezekiel received a vision of a tiny stream trickling out of the temple in jerusalem. This document is intended for free online viewing and is not to be. David wilkerson the vision and beyond full audio book. The point is that david wilkerson had a longterm track record of being a strong and faithful preacher of the word of god. In the full version of david wilkersons prophecy above, pastor lindsey williams was given the same thing by the elite in 2009. In my vision this is the clearest thing i have seen. Scribd is the worlds largest social reading and publishing site. Wilkerson gave us based on the word of god, god took him up at the best time before seeing most of his vision coming true, though he saw a lot of it in the works anyway. Books david wilkerson times square church webstore.
Not only is the american dollar headed for deep trouble, but so are all other world currencies. Write the vision, and make it plan upon the tables, that he may run that readeth it. Americas last call by david wilkerson 3 of 62 1998 wilkerson trust publications. I see total economic confusion striking europe first and then affecting. I merely turned a page, and at first glance it seemed there was nothing to interest me. This 143page massmarket paperback edition has as its contents. In this compelling release, david wilkerson brings the reader up to date and into the future.
Aug 26, 2017 with regards to the end times, if there is only one prophecy that one reads about, then this 1973 end time vision by david wilkerson and great tribulation is comingi saw the great tribulation by ken peters are two of the key videos that one should watch to get updated on what to expect in the. Now, i say this not because ive had a vision or dream about it. Na jaren dankbaar gebruikt te hebben gemaakt van een gratis wordpress blog is het. Diccionarios biblicos iglesia pentecostal unida hispana. He has challenged apostasy and false prophecy for years. The author, david wilkerson, is known for his book the cross and the switchblade the story of his experiences as a country preacher from pennsylvania, who became a new york city evangelist to some of the worst street gangs of the time. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie. Id never been to new york, and id never wanted to go, except perhaps to see the statue. The vi sion and beyond i just read david wilkerson s book, the vision and beyond. Many predictions of this vision have already been fulfilled, some will happen in the near future, and others in years to come.
Wilkerson continuously makes reference to the described events occurring within years or decades. Download this is the story of david wilkerson, the man who believed against the odds that god could do great things in the rejected and ignored of new york city, who refused to give up on those on the streets even when they had given up on themselves, and who saw in the eyes of the drug addicts and gang members what others failed to seethe love of jesus christ. Has anyone else read this book and what did you think of it. Spurgeon charles hodge charles leiter david platt david wilkerson dietrich bonhoeffer donald whitney edwin h. Surely the lord god will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. Europe will be the first to default and have its economies crash. He mentioned the drastic weather changes such as violent earthquakes that will shake the whole earth,the mark of the best in order to buy and sell and the churches going underground. Or, order david wilkerson s newer book called the vision and beyond a 2003 reprint of the 1973 original with an extra chapter of updates. The us will follow suit right after, along with other countries. The whole strange adventure got its start one night as i sat in my study reading life magazine. David wilkerson also shared a dream or vision not too long ago that he saw new york city on fire and i believe that also will come true. But, we never imagined it would come true in such specific detail. This trickle of water began at the throne and flowed past the altar, through the temple court, under the east gate of the city, and finally into the desert. Boeken van david wilkerson koop je eenvoudig online bij.
Biblia reina valera antigua version 1906 biblia reina valera actualizada antiguo testamento biblia reina valera actualizada nuevo. David wilkerson vertaalde werken van david wilkerson. If i recall correctly his answer was no that what he had seen was on a larger scale across the whole city. Open library is an open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published. The page showed a pen drawing of a trial taking place in new york city, 350 miles away from my home in rural pennsylvania. Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid.
Pastor david wilkerson prophecy given in 1994 greece. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak. Apr 24, 2011 david wilkerson also shared a dream or vision not too long ago that he saw new york city on fire and i believe that also will come true. Palmer eugene peterson francis chan francis schaeffer gardiner spring george whitefield graeme goldsworthy henry blackhaby. David wilkerson tells us about a vision he received. Wilkerson unfolds the vision god granted him of the worlds future. Christians as well as nonbelievers will want to hear gods warning to truly repent. At every level, david wilkerson s character is one of a true biblical leader in a day where apostasy is epidemic. David wilkerson s vision 1973 economic crash, new world monetary system, drastic weather changes, outbreaks of epidemics, famine, homosexual epidemic. He has called on americans to stock food and water in preparation for an earthshattering. Not since the revelation of jesus christ given to john on the isle of patmos some 1900 years ago has there been revealed a more aweinspiring vision concerning the end of our present age than the predictive material presented by david wilkerson in the vision and beyond prophecies fulfilled and still to come lindale, texas. The united states is going to experience in the future the most tragic earthquakes in its history.
David wilkerson 1931 2011 read freely text sermons and articles by the speaker david wilkerson in text and pdf format. Aug 24, 2017 david wilkerson was a very famous preacher out of new york city who died in 2011. Founder of times square church in new york city with over 100 different languages spoken in the congregation. David wilkerson 19312011 was a renowned christian evangelist, the founder of the. In the full version of david wilkerson s prophecy above, pastor lindsey williams was given the same thing by the elite in 2009. The vision and beyond i just read david wilkersons book, the vision and beyond. As the hebrew prophet, habakkuk, was assured by god concerning the certainty of the coming devastation at the hands of the invading babylonians upon the nation of judah, so wilkerson invokes the ancient exhortation to patience as part of his epigraph. The vision and beyond, prophecies fulfilled and still to come by david wilkerson and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at. He firmly believes that we are now living in the time the bible refers to as the beginnings of.
Before you read this book, please read the following three statements 1. Visions of david wilkerson alamongordo prophecies 2020. Our brother randy recently posted a video of pastor wilkerson which has a very interesting portion in it related to the revelation 12. He took the end times very seriously and has many extremely powerful sermons and prophetic statements that can be accessed online. The alamance partnership for children is a nonprofit organization serving children and families in alamance county the vision wilkerson pdf. Wilkerson, 1975, pillar books edition, in english the vision 1975 edition open library. Way back in i read a book called the vision by david wilkerson.